Make a conference call
While in a call, you can call another number and "conference in" (add) a
third party to the call.
The conference call feature varies based on wireless systems. Contact your
service provider for details.
While in a call, you can either dial the number you want to conference
in and press
You can press Options, scroll to New call, press OK, enter the phone
number, and press OK again.
If you don’t remember the number of the party you want to include in
the conference, and you know that this number is in your phone book,
you can recall the number.
When the third party answers, press
to connect all three parties.
To place one of the parties on hold, press
again. If you press
a third time, the party you placed on hold rejoins the call,
and the second party is placed on hold. Once you place one of the
parties on hold, you are unable to rejoin all three parties.
To drop all parties, press